Invest in Lacrosse

Our vision is that lacrosse is accessible to all and played in every corner of Great Britain and we aim to contribute to that through our mission of  championing the growth and development of the sport.

If you are interested in investing in lacrosse, or would just like to know more about how we get and use our funds, please check out the below.

How we’re funded.

The Lacrosse Foundation is currently funded entirely through donations and bequests from private individuals. If you would like to make a donation to the Foundation, please drop us an email on and we will let you know how best to do this. Equally, if you would like to discuss how you could invest in lacrosse in Great Britain or would be interested in including The Lacrosse Foundation in your will, please get in touch with our fundraising team ( to discuss.

What we spend it on.

Through our grants programmes, we invest in a wide variety of initiatives which meet at least one of our objectives:

  • Promote community participation in lacrosse;

  • Assist in providing facilities for lacrosse;

  • Advance the education of young people in the sport of lacrosse.

We are passionate about our sport and encourage all those who approach us for funding to be bold and explore new and innovative ways to grow the game at all levels.

The impact we’ve had and our plans for the future.

We are excited about the potential the Foundation has to make an impact on the sport of lacrosse. We will be keeping everyone updated on how our work has helped facilitate more children and adults to play, officiate and coach the sport.

Invest in lacrosse.

Don't forget, you can donate to The Lacrosse Foundation right now - email us for further details. Equally, if you'd like to discuss in more detail how you think you might be able to support our work, we'd love to chat